Thursday, June 12, 2008


"SAYA AHLI PARTI YANG SETIA PADA PARTI": Itu lah kata-kata keramat Najib Razak semasa sesi soal jawab selepas menyampaikan syarahan mengenai "Malaysia dalam menghadapi cabaran baru global" di Chatham House, yang menempatkan Royal Institute of International Affairs, di London, semalam (Rabu , Jun 11).
Berita sepenuhnya: atau
(Nota: Ungkapan dalam laporan Bernama tidak konsisten antara versi Bahasa Malaysia dan Inggeris. Oleh itu penyunting akan petik ungkapan dari versi Inggeris.

Beberapa petikan menarik kenyataan Najib:
  • "I am a true party (Umno) man and not the son who destroys the party that my father has helped to set up in a move to gain control of it."

Kupasan: Najib tidak menyatakan bahawa beliau tidak akan menentang Abdullah Ahmad Badawi dalam pemilihan Disember ini. "Saya anggota parti (Umno) yang setia". Beliau setia pada Umno (bukan presiden).

  • "I believed the transfer of power (in Umno) should be done in the traditional, conventional way rather than by creating factions".

Kupasan: Jelas sekarang bahawa Najib mahukan peralihan kuasa dan perletakan jawatan Abdullah dibuat mengikut tradisi Umno. Tun Hussein Onn dan Tun Dr Mahathir menyerahkan kuasa semasa perhimpunan Agung Umno.

  • "People could give their views and that it was not a question of having courage or being a coward, but it is just (that) as a person you have core values. And I believe what is important (is that) whatever position you take, it must be a core value personal to you. I come from a family where my father helped build the party, and I am not the son to destroy the party. I want to continue to build the party further."

Kupasan: I want to continue to build the party further. Jelas cita-cita Najib bahawa beliau mahu memimpin Umno dan beliau bukan pengecut.

  • Umno is now at its lowest point and if you create a serious fight for the leadership, Umno will be further weakened and not be able to face the challenges of (the next) general election. What is there in inheriting a position when you lose in the general election. I don't want to lead the party to defeat."

Kupasan: Najib mengakui bahawa Umno di bawah presiden sekarang sangat lemah (at its lowest point) dan "I don't want to lead the party to defeat". Beliau mahu memimpin parti mencapai kemenangan di dalam pilihanraya yang akan datang. Beliau mengingatkan Abdullah bahawa perlawanan akan memecahkan parti.

Bagaimanapun portal berita pro-Abdullah melaporkan "Najib tidak akan mencabar Abdullah" dan memberi kelegaan kepada Perdana Menteri. (Nilai lah sendiri kenyataan Najib ini).

LONDON, June 12 — It’s official. Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said that he will not challenge Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi for the top post in Umno.
His statement will have a significant impact on the political alignment in Umno ahead of the party election in December. But it will not end calls for Abdullah to hand over power to Najib not too long after the polls, possibly by the third quarter of 2009.
"I have some options but I am a true party man. Transfer of power should be done in the most traditional way," he said, noting that a challenge for the leadership in the party could further weaken Umno.
"I don’t want to inherit the party to lead it to defeat," he said when addressing Malaysian students in London.
This piece of news will:
• Give Abdullah some comfort but it does not change the growing sentiment among division chiefs aligned to Najib that the transfer of power should take place next year.
Supporters of the deputy prime minister have been growing restless in the past few weeks, speaking openly about the need to send a signal to the prime minister on setting a reasonable time frame for the handing over of power to Najib.

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