SIAPA yang cuba menghapuskan Institut Jantung Negara?
Saudara Ahiruddin Atan, penulis Rocky's Bru, memberi beberapa gambaran.
Kata Rocky: "Why was Khairy and Shahrizat's hubby at yesterday's press conference by the Health Minister?
(Mengapakah Khairy dan suami Shahrizat (Jalil) menghadiri sidang akhbar yang dibuat oleh Menteri Kesihatan?)
Akhramsyah, anak Sanusi Junid, menuduh Musa Hitam, Khairy Jamaluddin dan Shahrizat Jalil di belakang cadangan penjualan IJN kepada Sime Darby.
Tetapi kritikan yang paling keras dihalakan kepada Najib Razak. Ianya datang dari bekas Pengarang Kumpulan New Straits Times A.Kadir Jasin.
Antara kritikan Kadir: "Mohd Najib, the son of the man who was in the forefront of the democratisation of health services with his Rancangan Kesihatan Luar Bandar, should start being truthful to himself and to the great legacy of his father.
As Finance Minister and the chief articulator of the Umno-led BN government he has the power to push through the sale of public assets and to justify it as he had done with the “fatal” backdoor takeover of Golden Hope and Guthrie Corporation by Sime Darby via Synergy Drive, which was the creation of his brother, Mohd Nazir.Sime Darby was once a diversified and highly regarded company.
Today, thanks to the merger and its sudden dependence on palm oil, Sime Darby is suffering.Could the proposed sale of IJN to Sime Darby be Mohd Najib’s way of helping to prop up the (new) Sime Darby, which is essentially the product of his brother’s market-making?"
Dan tambah Kadir: "I beg Mohd Najib to start thinking seriously about the welfare of the masses like his late father did instead of pushing the country towards exclusivity for the sake of profits and short-term gains. He should start with keeping IJN a public hospital."
Dari ramai-ramai yang menerima musibah IJN ini, Najib lah yang paling teruk dikritik. Itulah akibatnya bila kita lupa kepada orang bawahan.
Alh amdulillah IJN setakat ni selamat daripada di'control' oleh Sime Darby. Bagaimana pula nasib Hospital PUSRAWI KL? Hospital berprinsipkan Islam tersebut, di peringkat tertinggi pengambilannya oleh satu lagi GLC yang sama hebatnya dengan Sime Darby.